Model 8700
Bottom Guided Pressure/Vacuum
Relief Vent
The Model 8700 emergency pressure/vacuum vents provide
emergency pressure and vacuum relief beyond that furnished by the normal
pressure vent for atmospheric and low pressure tanks, as well as providing a
convenient access for tank cleaning, inspection and repair. Emergency relief
valves provide relief from excessive internal pressure which may be caused by
an abnormal condition, such as ruptured internal heating coils or an external
fi re. The vacuum relief allows the intake of air necessary to maintain the tank pressure within the
permissible vacuum limit to avoid damage to the tank.
The emergency vent pallert provides an effective vapor-tight
seal when the tank is not under emergency conditions. If the tank outbreathing
requirements exceeds the capability of the normal pressure relief vent, under emergency
conditions, the pallet will raise to allow vapor to escape, preventing damage
to the tank due to excess pressure. The emergency vent pallet is bottom guided
so that when the excess pressure is relieved the pallet will reseat to again
provide a vapor-tight seal.
BODY SIZE: 16", 18", 20", 24"